Cost Per Horsepower

How much does it cost to get me to X horsepower?

We get asked this a lot.


Below you will find a general cost guide. These prices include labor, and tuning. We will not ship big turbo systems, all builds must be done in house, as to be sure the customer gets the exact set-up they want/need.


These costs assume a completely stock vehicle to start. Cost is adjusted based on existing modifications that can carry over to the new build.


These are ESTIMATED costs, and do not include any frills such as gauges and electronics you may want added such as launch control and a roll race module. Final cost will vary from vehicle to vehicle.


Front Wheel Drive V1 6-Speed Jukes ONLY.


250 WHP: $4200

-Full performance bolts ons

-Stock Turbo

-Easily Swapped To Stock If Ever Needed.


300 WHP: $7200

-Our Favorite Build For The Juke

-Stock Engine, no internal upgrades needed

-Stock Clutch (replacement available)

-Full boost at ~3700 rpm

-Best option for a DD Street Car

-Includes a complete turbo system


400 WHP: $25,500

-Built Engine, top to bottom

-Clutchmasters FX250 System

-8500 RPM Rev Limit

-Fueltech FT550 Lite

-Port Injection Conversion (1050cc Injectors)

-Intake Manifold Adapter

-Custom Turbo System, with Tubular Manifold and External Wastegate Included.

-E85 Flex Fuel

-Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator System

-BPT Or Garrett Turbo Options

-FR Big Brake Kit


500 WHP: $29,000

-Built Engine, top to bottom

-Clutchmasters FX350 System

-9000 RPM Rev Limit

-Fueltech FT550

-Port Injection Conversion (2200cc Injectors)

-Custom Intake Manifold

-Custom Turbo System, with Tubular Manifold and External Wastegate Included.

-E85 Flex Fuel

-Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator System

-BPT Or Garrett Turbo Options

-FR Big Brake Kit

-FR Clutch Line


600WHP: $38,000

-Built Engine, top to bottom

-Clutchmasters FX350 System

-9000+ RPM Rev Limit

-Fueltech FT550

-Port Injection Conversion (2200cc Injectors)

-Custom Intake Manifold

-Custom Turbo System, with Tubular Manifold and External Wastegate Included.

-E85 Flex Fuel

-Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator System

-BPT Or Garrett Turbo Options

-FR Big Brake Kit

-Trackside Tuning Support

-FR Clutch Line

-Clutch Slipper

-Aluminum Shifter Bushings

-FR Upgraded Axles